Personal Website
by Kean Santos
Fold right takes 3 arguments: a function, a sequence, and an initial value; then it keeps nesting calls to the function until the last element is reached.
(defn foldr-rec
" Naive recursion
f -- the function to apply
[x & xs] -- the sequence, which i've broken up into the first and rest
z -- the initial / 'zero' value"
[ f [ x & xs ] z ]
( if-not ( nil? x )
( f x ( foldr-rec f xs z ) )
I’m following the Scala (or Haskell, or both; don’t quite remember) notation of passing the initial value as the right-most argument of fold-right, to remind myself (and users) the the function “f” takes the initial value “z” as the argument on the right. If the input is not empty, call f(1, f(2, …)) . When the input is exhausted, the z value is returned, meaning the last element is processed using f(4, z).
(foldr-rec vector [1 2 3 4] [])
=> [1 [2 [3 [4 []]]]]
The shortcoming is that it gets a stack overflow:
(def r (foldr-rec vector (range 10000) []))
=> java.lang.StackOverflowError
Next up: implementation with ‘reverse’.